Fall protection
The steering committee for the Lake County Safety Council is proud to present the March program --- Fall Protection - with keynote speaker Barry Gullickson, Fall Protection Specialist, 3M Personal Safety Division. The Thursday, March 16 luncheon program at Cater to You Catering (Father Kline Social Center - St. John Vianney, 7575 Bellflower Road, Mentor) is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Registration begins at 11:15 a.m. This training event is provided to you by the LCSC steering committee. Gullickson has spent the last five years helping workers stay safe, healthy and compliant through 3M Fall Protection Solutions. The presentation will cover the "A, B, Cs" of fall protection, iincluding such items as: Anchorages, Body Support, Connectors, Descent and Rescus, Education and Fall Protection Tools. Gullickson is: Fall Protection competent person trainer certified, a Fall Protection rescue competent person, a Confined Space competent person and a Fall Protection for tools competent pseron. The anchorage discussion will include information about anchorage connectors varying by industry, job, type of installation and structure. The body support conversation will include information on harnesses and the distribution of fall forces over the upper thighs, pelvis, chect and shoulders. And the importance of a connection point to the workers for the personal fall arrest system. Decent and rescue will cover devices that are used to raise or lower a fallen injured worker to safety or retrieve workers or employees from confined spaces. Gullickson will rreinforce the importance of education in fall protection planning and preparations. He also will discuss Fall Protection for Tools which helps make work environments safer and more productive by reducing the dangers of dropped object (tools) incidents. SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, March 16, 2023. The February meeting sponsors are: HzW Environmental Consulting, University Hospitals and Venture Environmental Contracting, LLC.