10 Most Common Workers Compensation Mistakes
The steering committee for the Lake County Safety Council is proud to present the April virtual/webinar program --- 10 Most Common Workers' Compensation Mistakes - with keynote speakers Barbara Lessman, account executive, Sedgwick MCO; and Todd Keserich, AVP Client Services from Sedgwick TPA. The program is from 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 8, 2021. This training event is provided to you by the LCSC steering committee. The Ohio workers' compensation system can be very challenging and at times overwhelming. The webinar will review the most common mistakes, focusing on how to identify and avoid them. Keserich and Lessman have more than 70 years of combined experience in the industry and will draw on that knowledge to provide insight on how to prevent costly mistakes from happening. Lessman has nearly 40 years of experience in the field of workers compensation; including claims administration, risk analysis and hearing preresentation for the TPA - and currently serves as an account executive for Managed Care. While many aspects of the system are uncontrollable, there are strategies and resources available that can be identified to make sure the chances of having a successful program are increased. Keserich and Lessman will identify the top 10 most common mistakes employers make in administering their workers compensation programming and offer educational assistance to mitigate the losses. Keserich has more than 30 years of experience in all aspects of Ohio state funded workers compensation, including; hearing representation, program consultations, as well as managing the claims processing department. His current position is client service manager over a team of eight (8) account executives who are responsible for meeting with individual employers. The cause of mistakes on workers compensation issues is the lack of knowledge and the lack of communication. The impact is on the company's/organization's bottom line and profitability. Keserich and Lessman will demonstrate how understanding the system; claims preporting, claim management, rating and programming are all critical to a claim, the program and the organization's/company's success. Lessman analyzes employer's workers compensation programs to identify needs, build infrastructure, provide training and education and implement strategies to reduce risk exposure and improve outcomes. Keserich and his team meet regularly with both private and public employers to provide policy level consultation including detailed discussion of BWC program selection and discount options. This is a virtual meeting and the registration information will be sent soon.