Volume 24 / Issue 1 - January, 2019
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LCSC Program Committee Presents


Date:  Friday, January 18, 2019 (PLEASE NOTE DATE)
Topic: Ergo 101: The Science of Fitting the Job to the Person

Speaker: Tymra Gerhart, Cintas Corp., Human Resources Manager 


Registration: 11:15 a.m.

Lunch & Program: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.


PLEASE NOTE LOCATION: Villa Croatia - Event Venue & Party Center (The Croatian Lodge), 34900 Lakeshore Blvd., Eastlake, OH 44095

Cost: Members: $20
Non-Members: $25



Date:  Friday, February xx, 2019 (PLEASE NOTE DATE)
Topic: Inspiring Safety in the Workplace

Speaker: TBD


Registration: 11:15 a.m.

Lunch & Program: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.


PLEASE NOTE LOCATION: Villa Croatia - Event Venue & Party Center (The Croatian Lodge), 34900 Lakeshore Blvd., Eastlake, OH 44095

Cost: Members: $20
Non-Members: $25

Ergo 101 - Fitting the Job to the Person

The steering committee for the Lake County Safety Council is proud to present the January monthly program  ---  Ergo 101 -- The Science of Fitting the Job to the Person --- on Friday, January 18

The keynote speaker will be Tymra Gerhart, Cintas Corporation, Human Resources Manager. She spend 18 years in leadership roles before settling into a position with the Cintas Corporation in the spring of 2015. There she soon realized the organization's safety culture surrounded her, and the company took safety very seriously.

Her presentation will focus on structuring the job to fit the employee. She works alongside the company's regional health and safety coordinator for accident investigation and partner engagement. She has lead safety teams, developed safety business plans, led safety trainings and developed front-line employees to be able to conduct the monthly safety trrainings.

She will discuss ergonomic items such as: posture, engineering and psysiology, anatomy and tool and equipment design, and "Fix the Work, Fix the Worker or Fix the Work Station." She also will address issues such as foot pain, back pain and The Power Zone. She notes Cintas is recognized as a world leader in health and safety performance.

They have 96 official VPP sites and five (5) sites waiting for official letters to become VPP sites. Her location was named an Ergo Excellent Center in 2015.

The meeting will be held at the Villa Croatia Event Venue & Party Center (The Croatian Lodge), 34900 Lakeshore Blvd., Eastlake, OH  44095, with registration beginning at 11:15 a.m. The cost of the event is $20 for members and $25 for non-members. Reservations may be made online at the LCSC web site listed below. The event is sponsored by:

---Lake Health

---HzW Environmental Consultants



Council Director
Gordon Levar

(440) 479-1539

Council Director Elect

Council Secretary
Sue Fuerst
(440) 392-2975

Past Director
Mike Orlando
(440) 290-9785

Council Advisor
Bob Siktberg
(216) 383-4737

Council Liaison
Chris Weber-Bresky


(440) 255-1616

Steering Committee
Chris Brill-Packard
(440) 354-1933

Donna McCaskey
(440) 951-3514

Lee Silvi
(440) 525-7252

Clifford Smith
(440) 954-7653

Joanne Clapp
(440) 259-2671

Jim Ruttinger

(440) 710-5399

Tymra Gerhart
(440) 352-4079

Tobin Hawes
(440) 205-3933

Bob Bradley
(440) 639-4494

Council Assistant
Mark Wainwright
(440) 255-1616

Ohio Bureau of Workers'
Compensation Representative
Nikki Lorenzo Luna
Garfield Heights Office


Interested in joining our Steering Committee? Contact Mark Wainwright for more information.


BWC News & Notes


Public employers: The BWC has several important reminders about payments, true-up and the Go-Green rebate:

  • The first installment for policy year 2019 was due Dec. 21, 2018.
  • To earn the 2-percent early payment discount, you must have your full 2019 estimated annual premium by Jan. 2, 2019.
  • Payroll true-up for 2018 will run from Jan. 1 to Feb. 15, 2019. True-up includes completing your report and paying any outstanding balance. Please note, the Go Green Rebate Program requires you to true-up and pay any resulting balance in the same transaction.
  • To remain eligible for the Go-Green rebate, you must have enrolled to receive electronic notifications prior to completing your 2018 payroll true-up.
  • Please note that the Jan. 2 date for full payment is an extension from the Dec. 31, 2018, deadline recently communicated in the policy renewal documents we sent to you.

The Go-Green Rebate Program reduces paperwork hassles and helps the environment. Through it, you can earn a 1-percent premium rebate, up to $2,000 each policy year. If you’ve not yet done so, you can enroll in electronic notifications by signing in to your account at  bwc.ohio.gov.

Your electronic notification preference is listed on your My Policy page. You can change your preferences by clicking on the Electronic notifications link. While we encourage you to sign up for BWC updates, Go-Green requires only that you sign up for policy notices. 

In addition to receiving electronic notifications, Go-Green requires employers to complete their premium payments and payroll true-up report online. You must also be current on your policy, meeting all payment and reporting requirements. We automatically enroll you in Go-Green when you meet all these requirements. For full details, see the Go Green Rebate policy online.

If you have questions, please contact our customer service center at 1-800-644-6292. Business hours are Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST.



BWC eBriefs


Safety Update

Winter weather hazards and our new school safety grant are just a few of the topics we cover in the most recent edition of Safety Update, our monthly roundup of the latest in occupational health and safety.


School Safety and Security Grant Program

Our new School Safety and Security Grant Program helps Ohio public and private pre-kindergarten through 12th grade educational facilities ensure the safety of their staff while they’re providing instructional services to children. Employers can apply for up to $40,000 to purchase equipment that will improve the safety and security of facilities and reduce or eliminate injuries or illnesses.

Review eligibility criteria and apply on our SSSG Program webpage.

Coming soon: OSC19 registration

We’ll open registration for the 2019 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo (OSC19) in January. OSC19 will take place March 6-8, 2019, in Columbus. Look for more details in next month’s edition of BWC eNews.


Attendance - 12/14/18-BWC - Perception & Overview

Action Door
Advocate for Independence
Aexcel Corporation
Amerathon, LLC
AMG Resources Corporation
Astro Manufacturing & Design
Avery Dennison - EFD
Beachwood City School District
Brotzman Nursery
Building Technicians Corporation
Career Centered Staffing
Champion Contract, Inc.
Cintas Corporation
City of Kirtland
City of Mayfield Heights
City of Mentor-on-the-Lake
City of Willoughby
Classic Auto Group
Cometic Gasket, Inc.
Concord Township
Contemporary Electric Inc.
Crown Staffing Services, Inc.
CT Consultants
De Nora Tech Manufacturing
De Nora Tech R&D
Dyson Corporation
EA Group
Empro Job Network (Thomas Emp.)
Enterprise Welding & Fabricating
Euclid Fish Company
Federal Hose Manufacturing LLC
Fusion, Inc.
Grand Rock
Henkel Consumer Adhesives, Inc./OSI
Hose Master LLC
HZW Environmental Consultants, LLC
Inova Staffing Services
Kalcor Coatings Company
Kerr Lakeside, Inc.
Kinetic Technologies, LLC
Kirtland Local Schools
Kline Rostocil Construction Corp.
Lake County Council on Aging
Lake County General Health District
Lake County Nursery
Lake Metroparks
Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority
Lantern of Madison
Levin Furniture
Libra Industries
Life Services
Lintern Corporation
Maersch Environmental & Safety Consulting
Mapleview Country Villa
Mar-Bal, Inc.
McPhillips Plumbing & HVAC Co.
Mentor Area Chamber of Commerce
Mentor Public Library
Mentor Public Schools
Metal Seal Precision
Metz Culinary Management
Momentive Performance Matls.
MT Heat Treating
MUM Industries
North American Coating Laboratories
Nova Chemical
NOVA Chemicals
Olon Ricerca Bioscience, LLC
Pace Engineering, Inc.
Painesville City Board of Education
Painesville Township
Permanent Solution Staffing
Perry Local School District
Perry Local School District
Perry Township
Precision AlarmTech, Inc
Preformed Line Products Company
Process Technology
R.T. & T Machining Inc.
Ranpak Corp.
RJ Kirkland Construction Co., Inc.
Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio
Steris Endoscopy
Symphony at Mentor
The News-Herald
Tom Schaefer Plumbing, Inc.
Transfer Express, Inc.
Tri County Ambulance Service
Umicore Specialty Materials Recycling
Universal Metal Products
University Hospitals
V.L. Chapman Electric
Vector Security
Vector Technical Inc
Vicon Fabricating Company
Village of Fairport Harbor
Visiting Angels of Northeast Ohio
West Geauga Local Schools
Western Reserve Water Systems
Wickliffe Country Place
Yokohama Industries Americas Ohio Inc.